Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lifestyle. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bra That Can Save Life

Life Saving Bra

Elena Bodnar, Raphael Lee and Sandra Marijan of Chicago invented a Life Saving Bra, that can Double as a Pair of Gas Masks won a Nobel Prize.

Dr. Elena Bodnar displaying the Life Saving Bra

How to wear it

Well sort of, the Ig Nobels, which are chosen by the Annals of Improbable Research Magazine to highlight Scientific Achievements. They celebrate Eccentric Research that may make you Laugh at first, but also make you Think.

Japanese Bad Breath Detector

- New Weird Product - 
Bad Breath Detector

Do you worry about having Bad Breath ?
Are you constantly checking your Breath ?

Don't worry... Japan has created a clever product to ease your worries -  
Bad Breath Detector

This Bad Breath Detector for Women comes in Pink and is called 'Date Breath Checker'


The device costs 50 US $ and is a little smaller than the size of your palm.

The simple instructions on how to use the product are :

Push the single button on the front of the checker. 
You'll hear a beep and the screen will turn on

Would you like to use it ?