Remember when showing your Lack of Underwear to 'Paparazzi' was all the rave?
All of young Hollywood was doing it.
Well now hopefully we don't have to see Lindsay's or Paris Hilton's Privates
thanks to a Company called Sheltini.
They created a slip called 'The Paparazzi Protector.'
Paparazzi Protector-1
This is not your Grandma's Slip that was clingy and to the floor.
It is made of Microfiber material so it is Lightweight and is available in 10 colors,
ranging from Nude to Purple.
It is so comfortable you could also wear it as Nighty to bed.
Paparazzi Protector-2
Sizes available: Extra Small (XS) to Extra-Extra Large (XXL).
For $84 you can make sure you don't flash anyone
(even if the Paparazzi aren't hounding you)